I am using this blog to track the planning & progression of my gardens.
3:00pm – Juvia’s Garden (4×4)
Tatsoi seeds direct sowed broadly atop soil. 1″ compost layered on top of seeds. Watered with watering can, rain water. There is already 1 onion from last year, no bulb yet.

3:00pm – Garden 1 (4×16)
Sowed “Landis Winter” Lettuce in a long row. Trenched, dispersed, & covered seeds with same soil. Watered with can, rain water. In picture: Let verticle, garlic planted in Nov. On right, and 2 mixed in w/garlic, a couple onions. Top, horizontal plants are arugula. Right vertical, are 4 grapevines going dormant.

9:00am – Greenhouse:
Watered all plants except large bananas. The dirt under their mulch seems plenty moist.
10:00am – Greenhouse:
Pruned all tomato plants for better utilization of direct sunlight.

11:00am – Compost:
Dumped pruned leaves and small old radishes into compost. While I was there I stirred it all and added in 1/3 of my old potato bags’ soil/sawdust. I’ll need to dump the other bags into it soon.